1, starchy food on web 3 6 letters, 2, thrown in field events is back on 10 letters, 3, them ailments cause pain internally 5 letters, 4, up to scratch as almost old 7 letters, 5 , panel... ...
1, look right Patsy (10 letters) 2, D.I.Y. with german central (6 letters) 3, some like uneven bits initially (4 letters ) 4, clam ate nothing (10 4 letters) this is an anagram thanks for any... ...
Upper Coquet Resource Group c/d 31 August Last answer to find and any help much appreciated. Wondered if it could be Meatloaf but not sure if it fits. Singer: Spam, Corned Beef: Luncheon... ...
1 give MBEto the greeery (8 3 9 4 )letters, 2 take a very long sleep (9)letters, 3 quick short movements after yoghurt results in seated travel (3 7)letters, 4 indigenous game involves no known... ...
1. french hen has toothed closure inside (8 letters) 2. short barricade that's mad (8 letters) 3. two companies head quiet man.utd.(7 6 letters) thanks for any help
1 quiet chimney useless 4 / 4 , 2 ms Vorderman's in -half german 5 /6, 3 observe dark maintenance check 10 /7, 4 steal from in ruddy boob 5 / 9, thanks for any help
1 tend to tolerate, 4 4 letters. 2 small scots blessing ? not half , 7 letters, 3 hot rolls filled with these 6 letters, fauz fur ? Byron concealed it 5 letters, thanks for any help...
1, , large and jet black 6 letters, 2, volunteer soldier mum acquired life force 10 letters. 3,{anagram} yes liar told n t 4 5 4 letters 4,{ anagram} sue the poor fruit 9 6 thanks for any help
1 throw the french raffle card game 6 10 letters, 2, be a chum not half not quite jabba either 5 3 letters, 3, decking a 10, + 500 inside, 5 7 letters, 4, what an odd yellow car he keeps inside 5...