Hello peeps. I want to put avertising on my web site as we are now getting a lot of traffi. Any ideas how to do this please? I am more of a coder this kind a web design I cant fo. Thank you and hope...
Some time ago I read some advice about getting your PC battery to work again. Seem to remember it involved powering down and removing battery. Doing something else? then rebooting. Please say I wasn't...
When I try to start up, the screen becomes blue with white writing.: Checking file system on C: The type of file system is TFS One of your disks needs to be checked for consistancy...............You...
Hello, My Speakers suddenly stopped working. I Had them on yesterday and then the next day they wouldn't work. I Have made sure verything is plugged in and nothing is on mute. The Speakers work...
Hi, I was watching BBC iPlayer and suddenly, without any warning whatsoever, my PC's external (audio jack) speaker system went dead. The power light is still on, so it's not a fuse. I've run an audio...