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12a Note shabby clothing for subject of a diary (6). I have ?o?t?r As always any help very gratefully received....
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Last few. 28a Beginning of the end of parades of Fords (4, 2, 3) S - N - D - N - T 22a Titanic survivors, but later mostly ruined. (8) C - L - S - A - Looks like COLOSSAL, but can't see the word play....
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One clue to get!!! 27 across An encumberance? No more with crew ?e?d ?e?g?t Any suggestions?...
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Morning all, help please with: 20a Rival queen hosts person of mixed race, not Tory leader (8) e-u---o- 17a So-called Swiss bankers back number about writer (6) ???e?s Tks in advance....
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4d. he steers guys in 26s farm cart 8 letters. - o - s - a - n.

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