In the days before ring main wiring in houses did each 15a socket have wires going all the way back to the fusebox? Same with the lights. Were they all wired back to the fusebox?
4. Hi its a dud vegetable (5) 15. 2 X 1000 hours zero (8) 20. Female deer confused (3) 30. The stone crew makes sugary cereal (9) 38. H20 with 1999 oversees South Africa (5 6 ) 42 Type of beetle feeds...
Help please thought I had finished this quiz until I started to copy it out.
7 A3---tortilla---A4 (8,5) must be something paper? Has to rhyme with taper.
Thanks in advance for any help....
Can you help with my last two please........
Warning Tom about welcome. 6 Letters
- - - e - t
A prohibition on a biblical river. 5 Letters
A - - - a
Thank you....
Hi, Not quite sure where to ask this but thought Chatterbank seems most active. I am totally stuck what to give a 6 year old girl as a christening present. Does anyone have any ideas. I have looked at...
12a) Leo and Terence clash over one campaign for votes (11)
16a) Few in such a regime go charily for reform (9)
(14d) PA's hidden a track.
Many thanks for any help....
28d. Thrifty English joker restricts working (8). ?c?????
23a madmans tackling crisis,sadly thinking only of himself(10) ??r???s?
Many thanks in advance...
1/ Famous Pottery Painter 7,5
2/ Feminist Writer and Lecturer 8,5
3/ Organiser of the first London dog show 7,5
4/ Ex captain of England rugby union team 4,8
5/ Duke of jazz 6,9...