Mainly cryptic quiz - solutions items of clothing. Supporting Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC). £10 prize picked at random from correct answer sheets, £5 lucky dip. Pay on... ...
only one mammal left to find: answer (8 letters) falls between polar bear and pygmy hippo: popular reptile loses two times; papas step in and see to that. I can't find any at all in my reference... ...
Cryptic quiz, all answers contain the words pen or ink. £1 payable on return. Closing date 1st September 2024. Available from
Mainly cryptic clues. All answers contain the word KING. Closing date 31st August. Fund raising for SHARE (1173972). Copies cost £1 and are available from (pay on return)....
Partly cryptic quiz about colours of the rainbow raising money for SHARE (Sheffield Health Action Resource for Ethiopia). Closing date 19th July. Quizzes (£1 each with one £10 prize) are available -...
Mainly cryptic clues with answers containing double. double letters. In aid of the trachoma section of Sightseers (207544). Cost £1; £10 prize. Closing date 10th January 2022. Available from...
Mainly cryptic clues leading to answers containing the words PAD and GATE. In aid of Christchurch, Padgate church funds (1178871). Closing date 9th January 2022. Cost £1; £10 prize. Available from...
Generally cryptic quiz all answers containing the names Bill, Billy or Billie. £1 to pay on return. One £10 prize. Sold in aid of the trachoma section of Sightsavers. Closing date 1st July 2021. Email...
Mainly cryptic clues leading to words which begin and end with the same letter. £1 payable on return. £10 prize. Quiz sheets available from
Names: find the name within the answer to a cryptic clue: e.g. he likes this bird (9:4) spoonbill: Bill. £10 prize (drawn at random from winning entries) Closing date 28th February. Quiz sheets £1...