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any 1 no,  wat the music is, in the new leafbuster ad
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wat's t musik in t cadbury mini rolls ad . the one with them at a bus stop, getting splashed with chocolate.
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Any one know the music for the nokia N90 advert where the bloke takes a photy of his bairn flipping around on a trampoline?
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who does the music for the new nokia n90 ad'
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HAWAY PEOPLE any one got info' on the CADBURY MINI ROLLS advert music.
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still  waiting for any one to give info' on the tune and artist for the cadbury mini rolls. currently showing.
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haway then guys and gals, who's bangin the drums on the new leafbuster ad? silverfox
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does any one know what the tune for the new mini rolls is and where i can get it? its the one that the rolls are standing at the bus stop and get sloshed with a puddle of chocolate as a bus goes by....
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Hiya all, this is my first Q&A session at answer bank. Any one out there know what the catchy drum tune is for the new CHEERIOS ad, and who the artist is? cheers (no pun intended) silverfox10

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