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If you don't think that was one of the finest pieces of television for years, you deserve all the reality crap that passes for entertainment these days. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you...
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Who did Swinburne think was a monster, as inhumnan as a baby with 2 heads? Wilde also said that one would need a heart of stone to read of her death without laughing.
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Which are the fifth and sixth states of matter?Who invented and give a breif description.What is the state of fire-gas or plasma or some other?
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Since I can't stand the piano slapping little mongrel, who did the original version of 'Everlasting Love' from the new Bridget Jones film? I should know and it's really bugging me!
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i once saw a programme and in it, it said that it is possible to walk through if you were to keep pushing 4 eternity because of quantum mechanics. is this true?
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What advert had the line 'chop chop busy busy work work bang bang? It was from the 80s or early 90s. It's driving me and my work mates mad!
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no glaring logos etc.   shows someone in jeans and lots of panoramic views     refreshing isnt it?  
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This is a question posed to me by my girlfriend she saw on the forum at work: who has been killed by both an Alien, a Predator and a Terminator? Michael Biehn perhaps? But can't remember him being...
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I need a really good monologue, for a LAMDA exam i have coming up, i'v already got one which is brilliant but quite disturbing, but i need two. Are there any that come to mind? (In mordern...

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