I happen to think that June Sarpong off t4 is kind of funky. But I've seen alot of hate-sites on the internet that think otherwise. So... 'June Sarpong is cool and sexy - Discuss'.
Or are the Harry Potter books ( especially the later ones ) a darn good read? Is this because 'children's' books don't try to be too clever, and rely on a good narrative instead of disappearing up...
Why do they not sound Scottish? With the exception of the Proclaimers, all Scottish rock bands sing in English or American accents and, apart from folk bands, NEVER incorporate Scottish instruments...
Is Robbie Fowler going to sign for Man Utd? They are after a striker, they now know that he's for sale( for a relatively small amount ) and he pulled out of signing for Man City at the last minute....
How many dumb blondes does it take to make chocolate-chip cookies? p.s. anyone out there in ABland think there should be a ( good, clean ) joke section?
Dose anybody know a website where i can download free mobile phone ringtones or icons from? Everytime I find a free site they all of a sudden start charging rip off amounts of money!
We all know Jack Ruby killed Lee Oswald, who killed Kennedy, but I remember from the news at the time that a known hitman attempted to kill Ruby, and then escaped in a plane which crashed in the...
What, in your opinion, is the most overrated film ever? My vote would be the Godfather. A dull, boring , plodding, long, needlessly complicated naff movie. As exciting as watching paint dry, with...