my toshiba tv is 5 days out of guarantee and the on/off switch isnt working, and being good, I hadnt used the standby so it wont come on. I bought it from Argos. Is it worth taking it back.
My hubby is 40 today, and we are having some friends over friday evening (as tonights a school night!!!) And are hoping to get the old BBQ out, weather permitting. What I am after are some garden...
My husband and I have just recieved a letter from the Tax office asking us to renew our tax credits claim. We have never claimed tax credits and our youngest daughter is 23!
Sorry if this question has been asked before, but really need to know if you can legally use a Radar Detector in the U.K. I think there may be some difference in the laws in Scotland, but need to keep...
There is a vehicle regularly parked on a pavement in such a way that it impedes pedestrians.
What is the proceedure for dealing with such an obstruction....
Have any of you ABers been involved in any of the above? What are your views on it? Is it a form of satanism or is it all about angels and spirit guides?.
Hi, I presume you are in the motor trade, so I wonder if you would answer me the following. It is regarding a radio code. I am not asking you to give me the code, as I know it is against AB policy,...
Hey guys, I have been with my bf for a year now and am having serious problems reaching an orgasm. I feel too ashamed to discuss this with him but it is pushing a wedge between us. Any one have any...