Where can I buy salt to put in my salt mill?Have bought a lovely set of salt and pepper mills,have found the peppercorns at the supermarket but not the salt. So can someone please point me in the...
I have had it with this assesment ward one lad on rehab is keeping us all up.I am out of here ln the morn. I will have word with macmillans to see if i can go intoo respite from home.
After 3 weeks of really good sleeps, for me anyway, insomnia has returned with a vengeance, 3 and a half hours last night!
Dentist for Mrs BT today and me tomorrow.
Have a good day everybody....
I've been living abroad in Spain for the last (almost) 2 years. Most things are great, I have a house I share with someone, and I have a job that pays decent wages. I have friends. My family are in...