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Just checking last months payslip against previous month and notice paying £75 a month more tax. That will be the middle income squeeze hitting me then. Options - Save less or spend less. I'm...
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Just watching 007 You only live twice. I mentioned to my wife that the evil force driving Blofeld was the white cat. She asked me what the cats name was ? Anyone any ideas ?...
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When did North become North and known as North and the planet earth seen with North at the top and South at the bottom ? Space has no top and bottom or North or South. So in history at some point ,...
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I'm pretty indifferent to the Royal family. But hats off to the Queen today and the old Greek fellow. They are both have stood up for several hours in the damp to watch the pass by. Not many people of...
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Just saw the application mentioned on the news and downloaded it to my iPhone. Ouch ! Wish I had not now. It shows in graphic detail where your money in tax and NI goes. You have to enter your salary...
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I have an iPhone 4 with a contract that gives me 750MB of data per month. I use the phone to access the internet via the 3G service and slower services (E). I also have an iPad and that has a 3G card...
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So the age you can receive the state pension is increasing to 67 for men in 20** and whatever. Yet company can force you to retire at the age of 65 ? So for those who would need the state pension as a...
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So Amazon sells cheap books, DVD and other goods. High Street shops who pay tax and rates and employ people can't compete and go bust. Amazon who have a fraction of staff then pay little or no tax ......
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In the past I have always booked return flights and then upgraded using Air miles to Business out and Upper Class back. LA last year and Vegas the year prior .... Anyway this year I want to fly one...
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In the past I have always booked return flights and then upgraded using Air miles to Business out and Upper Class back. LA last year and Vegas the year prior .... Anyway this year I want to fly one...
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http://www.dailymail....-said-I-bothered.html Should the way Juror are selected be overhauled ? I think people should be given the option of doing Juror service or not and have to sit a simple IQ...
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SIRandyraven In this day and age , I would think most people on Jury service would use Google for information on the case they are on ? Well I would be tempted. It...
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Do you have to be famous to shoplift from Tesco ? Search Youtube for Antony Worrall Thompson in The Lambshank Redemption So funny , I nearly coughed up a lung watching this....
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My new sat nav told me today I had averaged 172mph on a 55 mile drive. Now that is good going I think. Considering my Honda CRV has done only 500 miles so far and has a top speed of ...not sure ......
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During the Christmas break , my wife had to work (unplanned) and I visited my folks in Derbyshire (between Christmas and New year) On return I stopped at the services on the M1/A43 junction for...
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If you could have selected the year you were born , what year would you have selected and where ? I would go for 1934 and the America West. Been 16 for the start of the 50's - love that era and the...
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http://www.dailymail....rain-says-Palace.html Have they no shame ? Maybe I should not have thrown away my Gary Glitter signed album from the early 70s. Should have followed the Royal example and...

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