Just looked back to the Doomsday thread of yesterday and wondered what excuse the leader of the cult who said the world was going to end yesterday uses to explain why we are all still here today. Any...
Just crawled out of bed, give it 10 minutes and my knees will stop creaking.
It is still raining I see.
To-days plan, think about to-morrow. Write to-day off....
Been sacked? Why? I got the sack from my first job during school holidays. I had to disbud a field of chrysanthemums. I did, but misunderstood, and picked off the centre bud from every single...
just started looking at quotes for renewing my car insurance this year cant believe how much it has gone up over £80 and i have not made a claim or sod all, complete con the lot of em!!...
In July of last year on the way home from a family gathering in a pub/restaurant a friend of my nephew came behind us shouting insults at him, when he got closer my partner and his cousin tried to...
I wondered who that woman was in the front seat when Kate was driving from the hotel to the Abbey. I've just read on another site that it was her bodyguard - dressed for the wedding but still armed,...
I was watching a replay of the royal wedding earlier and having rewound and played it back again, there is a runaway horse that gallops past the side of the bride & grooms carriage ! Not sure...
green destiny..14.00..newmarket
roderic oconnor..15.10..newmarket
astrophysical jet..15.45..newmarket
and my tip of the day is simenon in the in the 15.30 at goodwood......