My son has just texted me this. The R.S.P.C.A have acted swiftley after last wenesday night they have put posters up saying. If you see any arsenal fans walking a dog ,please contact them on 4-2 4-3...
please protect me from such bad words in the name of comedy ............................................... bring back curry and chips ..............................and any chance of a rerun pf love...
Should the Ed give out an award for the best suggestion of the week? I was thinking of 3 stars, I'm sure many members would feel greatly honoured by this. There could also be one for the most stupid...
I have been trying all morning to get through to a number to access a job application form, the job closes next week,i either get a engaged signal, or i get through and no one picks it up,tried...
Have to cook my own breakfast,? you would think the wife would have the decency to do it, and bring it to me in bed before she went to work, wouldn't you? bah ....Grrrrrr, ahh sod it I'll go and kick...
That I like aubergines as I have just had an asdas extra special moussaka. Didn't like the tomatoes in it though had to throw them away as I dont like tomatoes. But I like tomatoe sauce. What food...