Missed yesterdays paper so couldn't check these. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 39A MAKE HAPPY (Cryptic: pay up to make one happy) 7 letters I had DELIGHT 40D SCARLET (Cryptic: Scarlet woman...
Last attempt to post seemed unsuccessful. Does anyone know a word for a novel which is written solely to pay the bills?(9) From an old Woman's Weekly and if my wife is correct it's P-T-N-L-R Hope...
Only getting round to this today 42A RESTED -e-n- 73A HOBBIES -i-p- 80A GEM ---m 81D EUROPEAN --l- Think 81D is POLE which would leave gem as -p-m Thought of opal which would leave word for 64D...
Two last answers needed if anyone can help please. Simple Clue: Music : ?A?C???L? CRYPTIC CLUE : At the pub a girl provides music Simple clue :PLANT: G???E CRYPTIC CLUE:Covering a small wound got...
Two to finish (if I'm right!!)
15D girl (cryptic: the girl had a number of meals out)
26D Load up (cryptic: Rush to load up)
Thanks to anyone who can help
Thought I was finished but came across this one today.Google hasn't helped.
3D In physics, a weakly interacting massive particle.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Have been trying to work these two out since Sat. Anybody any ideas? Thanks if you have. 53A. i HAVE ?A?B???. Clus is 'GAME' Cryptic clue:Mind keeping the kids entertained for a while?' 45D I???R?....