25aThe last word heard from US spies ring, as they leave Pisa, Rome or Milan? ??A? 71a Isnt an airbase a strange thing to put there? A naval base? okay ?????a? ??? 72a Chap in front of small... ...
40a Market place for the web??A? 53a That's your colour baby dear, you hear ?A?N 23d A short pit stop on the way back from Drumard ?/A/ 36d Its a cliff hanger gotta be tense ?N ?T?? 61d Two... ...
5d For missed soprano, it could have been used to kill off Don Giovanni ?????T??? 8d At last Vice President Pence income changed because of his lack of ability ??C?????E??? 37d Involve other council... ...
1d Marry we hear England's attention turned to her, having lost the head in 93 ???????T?? 6d Worst sight you'd be right to behold: right rosiest blighted????????T 16d Might a Tory go red about... ...
27a Your old word for part of ancient Hyderabad T?Y 20 Can anyone tell me is there a North Riding in Tipperary? 23d The Stones pay tribute to one buried here C???N Thank you all in advance
1d Does it show the league standings of the different beans C????? ?A??E 4d With love, tax one on acclaim O????O? 25a Lying in order to get us back in front of a tree ?U?I?E 9a How is the side... ...
6a Many a British politition will make progress with difficulty ?I?P 21a Weds this- but not necessarly mid week M??R?ES 23a He thought a lot about putting Los Angeles into instructions at the bottom... ...
33aWhat may have been pinned onto a uniform makes one do some laundry, being annoyed ???? CROSS 16d On the face of it, it appears not to be a simple particle. ?O?P?E???? Thank you all in... ...
8a Northern Ireland comes back with a short postscript that's politically incorrect. ?P?N 20a Looks like you put your foot in it? Thats a reversal! ?D?P F?O? 21 A lean rehash of Franch panache..... ...
3a With a piece which 7 down to repair clothing during one's most creative period ? ???p?? P?T?? 2d The pink lady a tart? How typical of America is that A??? ??E 12d Goodness me-literally. how... ...
15a Nick the name of Cillian Murphy's most recent character portrayal ??P? 1d Nekat! startled. ?A?E? A?a?? 17d Becoming slim if fit to be so restricted ?F? L????? 19d Brazil may be matched in... ...
10a But, between far-off trenches, it'd offer little hoope for a sniper to take ?F???H?T 24a Water releaser, read from second part to first, its still a discharge ???L?T 28a Like the paparazzi of... ...