5a,confusion no good in story ,t???l? 6d,once more retiring artist falls,??a?a?? 13d,pm outside gym with European chemists tube,p?p???e 14a,stocks of flocks,h???d? 20a,curse three articles by...
4d,mollify,a?????e 5d,definitely,e?????s?y 10d,elevate to the ranks of the aristocracy,e???b?e 12a,animal whose hide is used to clean Windows,l?a?or?? 13a,siring of children,??o?r?a?I??...
6d,attach as a member,a???l?a?e
7d,middle of the body,???s?
9a,creative practical pursuits,4,3,6,??t?,a?d,?r???s
22a,article eaten by dog,freak,?u?a?t...
18d,landing stage for boats,?e?e?
21d,erase the content from tape,?o??
24a,neat and methodical quality,?r???l?n???
Cryptic,8a,tryst could bear fruit,?a?e...