14a,nature[of a person],??a?a?t??
14d,cloth used for tapestry,??n???
25a,tough time,hardship,??v?r?i?y
78a,speaking in a surly manner,?r?l?n,
8,idiot has to partake of exercise,?o?e 10a,easy to get on with,???a?l? 11d, human learning,????????? 13dunable to do anything,???????? 21d,heroic narrative,???? 22a,in a self-reliant...
2d,abstruseness,o?a?i?y 17d,subsequently,l???r 21a,organisation to prevent illicit fishing,c?a???u?r? 41a,relayer of current affairs,?e?s?a?t?r 40d,gripping,a?s???I?? 48d,puzzle,riddle,????? 50a,give...
1a,word or phrase inserted as afterthought,???e?t????? 2d,donna,presenter and actress,??? 6d,occuring in babies and young children,????n?i?e 7d,woodland creature with a mans body and goats legs,???y?...
5a,threaten rascal with termination,????n? 6d,finding a home for piano with fancy finish,??a?i?? 14a,rifle about to acquire bit of gold,????e? 23a,firm near damaged eye part,??r?e? 5d,quirky...
13a,excessive admiration of oneself,?a?i?y 26d,disbelieve a bit,d???t 35a,shocked displeasure,???r?g? 81d,because,since,f?? 87a,round white jewel,?e??? 89a,gnawing pang of conscience,?e?o?s?...
1a,face the possibility of success,5,1,6,s?a?d,?,??????
4d,keen to find out,??r???s
5d,perfect specimen,??c???y?e
6d,cooked in sugar,??n???d
15a,tall four sided pillar,??????k...
8d,draw up an outline,?r??? 12a,will,writer broadcaster,?e?? 13d,greek dish of aubergines and meat,???????a 15a,having three dimensions,???I? 18d,angle or incline,????? 20a,individual,private,?e???n??...
1a,you,we hear more reliable moneylender,?????? 3d,wild urge to swallow nothing but make up,??u?? 4d,literary brush off,project lies in tatters,9,4,??????I??,?l?p 6d,jack ahead of each awful...