help needed please all answers are food and drink with origins in UK no 19 tape copse chicken (6,8) no 27 Jamaican girl (3,5) no 28 in the land of the drgaon a small piece hardly ever seen...
help needed please section 2 change a letter e.g. sorceress/timepiece = witch/watch no 2 metal /craftsperson (6) section 5 missing word something you would find in urban place no number of letters no...
help needed please answer is about kings/queens/royalty. no number of letters given
no 53 before Queen Elizabeth who was the last sovereign to accede to the throne while abroad...
Help needed please answer is what are the connections no number of letters given no 69 Swap Thom Leaf Tan no 74 yellow crystal barkeeper callow (I can see yell cry bark call but still cant get answer)...
help needed please answer is 3 clues which make 1 word
e.g meat = pork sheep = ewe long for = pine.. ans = porcupine
no 13 which person =who .. member of the clergy (4) joint (4) = 1 word...
help needed please all answers are items you would find in the kitchen
no 17 change made an example executive (6,5)
no 26 wests wife in fact , basils wife in fiction (8,6)...
Help needed please all answers are things related to the home. no number of letters given
no 54 this was a well used word in ww2 now its the name of a room
no 65 informally extremely drunk...
help needed please all answers contain words/phrases relating to the ancient elements fire earth air water no 19 disturbed liquid crossover (6,4,8,5) no 39 sams fireguard (6) no 54 flying charabanc...
help needed please answers are to do with wash day answers are as near as possible to how they sound no number of letters given no 13 first of six mark between two spots..(seen spin as an answer but...