A muller lemon cheesecake yogurt, a chocolate digestive muller corner,a twix, a peperami, a bag of prawn crackers, a bag of onion rings ,a big bag of ready salted crisps, a twix and 10 fags. Do you...
HAH! I thought right, look at the state of you! Go and get washed and dressed, went to bathroom and promptly dropped my flippin' contact lens down the drain!! ARRGHHHHH.
I had a dream the other night. I wont go into details, family site and all that, but the thing is now I feel really sad, like some 12 year old teeny bopper with a crush! Lets just say it involved...
In spit of being told over the intercom that a 2 minutes silence was starting our customer service department ignored it and carried on answering phones and talking all the way through. I'm furious....