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Im off to Iraq (in the next week and I was considering getting my sperm frozen so if anything should happen to me my fiancee could if she wanted still have children. Unfortunatly I dont know how to go...
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When I download my pictures from my digital camera the jpegs are huge in size(400-500k each). What I want to know is there a way to resize a batch of photographs. I have paintshop 7 but at the moment...
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seb brown
Does anyone know what the music from Kill Bill is? The music i mean is the one played on the film's trailers and just at the start of the big fight scene between Uma Thurman and all Lucy Lui's hench...
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I need a bit of help my neighbours cats are sneaking into my Garden and messing everywhere. Buying a dog is not viable and ive spoken to the neighbour but is there anyway to stop them from getting...
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Whats Free & the easiest way to convert individual tracks from my audio cds to MP3. Basically I want to put my favourite songs from my record collection so my in car mp3 player can play them
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I will be impressed if I get an answer to this In the film Orange County aboutan hour into the film theres a scene where a van is playing a song from the radio the one line from the chorus I can...
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what is the theme tune for the adams family film it goes ooh the adams family or something like that . Thanks
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what is the name of the music in Romeo and Juliet

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