23D Stuff written about fruit refuse -A-C 15D Race almost turned down --D 11A A German girl in jail sadly I--A 2D Do on Cork ending badly K--- 9A Queen once on top of worms A-----D Difficult today,...
Imagine S-N-Y
Tiny T-----E-N- I thought teeeny weey which intersects with the "imagine" clue but I thought the answer to that one would be sense.
Many thanks for any help...
22A Name of another person usually historical taken by author as pen name -L-O-Y-
27A Fungal disease of plants -M-t
many thanks to everyone who has supplied answers to me today...
18D Part of flower's carpel that receives pollen S-I-M- 28A Piece of fabric consisiting of two different kinds of yarn U---N 24d Musician or other artist with highest level of technical mastery...
9D hard wearing upholstery fabric if alternate satin and watered silk stripes --A-A--- 7D Common translucent material consisiting of calcium magnesium carbonate used as an ornamental stone D-L-M---...