26D Precision lacking at one end of the office C-R-C-
11A Deadly manner starts at travel centre -I- TE-M-N-- , something terminal?
Many thanks in advance...
I have a new laptop which uses Windows 8 but I wish to keep using Windows Live Mail for my e mails. I have set up Windows Live mail 2011 on my new laptop as on my old one, the settings and account are...
40A In law the preliminary examination on oath of a proposed witness by the judge V-I-D-R-
30D Irish term of endearment meaning my child A-A-N-H
Many thanks...
Has anyone bought tickets from this site? they are offering tickets to London attractions at a cheaper price than if you book them online at the official site? Many thanks
3D Right pocket? ------R-A-E 20D Guides, 16 when not wanted around -A-S 18A He's one secure and tedious person G-S-A- could this be gasbag? 1A Gold rests here O------ could this be Orlando3 Having a...
I normally receive my copy on Tuesday as I have a direct debit subscription it has still not arrived does anyone know a telephone number I can use to contact the Media Company
last two
24A Mat drawn with a lot of grease -O---
14D inside blubber seemed back to front at an angle -R-O-E--- assuming that 18a is reincarnation and not reincarnating
Many thanks...
11A Kidded around, taunted playfully --A-E-D. I thought goaded but can't get this to fit in with 4D , hold back which I thought was either RESTRAIN. Any help much appreciated, thanks
Can anybody please put me out of my misery?
15a For unearthing Italy's treachery (7) -a-s-t-
20d Musketeer wants hoods on a regular basis (5) -i-o- (I think!)
Many thanks in advance....