Non of our family likes Strictly. It took over Saturday nights tele, even The Wheel was cancelled, and The hit list which are staples in our family. Thank God for DVDS I say. Why does the BBC... ...
I told my girlfriend that I would not convert for her if it comes to marriage. Have told her to marry where her parents wish. I realised my mistake after few months and then wanted her back but... ...
I've been meaning to write about this toothpaste I bought one the other day. I normally buy Colgate but thought I'd try this one, the Corosodol gum toothpaste. Opened it, it is pale pink, foamy and... ...
I was talking to a friend I know in real life on playstation. She said that her, and her family are sick. I asked if it's covid, and she said that she hasn't tested herself, but she's pretty sure... ...
The product, not the great old TV series! I have bought a tablet of soap as a small Christmas gift for a woman family member (D.I.L.) via Amazon. Cost: 16 quid with p.p. It's perfumed with... ...
I ate a chicken Kiev thinking it was meant to go in for 25 mins but think I put in for 20 after I'd eaten some of it I found pink on it. Will I have food poisoning now?
I had to laugh at the cover picture of Private Eye - a picture of HRH Princess Anne pinning a medal (MBE) on Gregg Wallace - and his speech bubble is saying,"Another woman of a certain age trying... ...
Basically I'm meant to be going on a date Thursday but o realised I've double booked, I have an appointment at 4.20 and we are meant to be meeting between 6-6.30. I asked about changing it to... ...
I see that it was attended by that very eminent royal family, King Becks and Queen Victoria. HTF did they get an invite? And, I presume, at our expense.
My friend who's hen party I went to a few weeks ago. They told me it was an enclosed wedding but she invited other friends obviously one was maid of honour and invited the other one who came to... ...
My parents died over 12 years ago and l still have all the paperwork from solicitors, including Wills, probate, etc. Do I need to keep all this or can I shred it? Thanks all.
I have a message above my BTemails, in bold, not an email, so I cannot delete it. It says To use this account you need to verify your identity. Tap your account to sign in... and it asks for... ...
The courier has delivered two of the same item instead of one. I've checked my order and I definitely ordered only one and have been charged for only one. I've looked to see how I may return... ...