I just got an email offering to send me , for a small fee , a bottle of pheromone spray.This is apparently guaranteed to attract women of all ages when they smell it. Now i'm not sure about you , but...
Just read that a muslim is suing tesco after he was asked to carry crates of beer on a fork lift truck. He will of course win and get lots of money. Has the time come to kick the bu55ers out.
Can someone out there help!! I have had something biting me for years, I have had the house and car sprayed (at much expense)(so now I don't trust pest control companies) but nothing has cleared it....
my 7yr old is boy mad she has been since she was still in nappies her favorite advert is the diet coke ad cos of the man in it and shes even eying up boys her age by looking at them up and down and...
can anyone please tell me any artists that have dealt with flesh. I am looking for artists that have dealt with trauma andaspects that change the appearence of flesh. Thanks..