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27A:Definite, explicitly set forth. S?E?I?I? Could be scenario perhaps, apart from the I in the middle - that would mean talismanic for 15D (possessing or thought to possess magic powers) would be...
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We have a new setee and chair , previous one shredded at the corners by our cat. Any cat friendly suggestion to avert the shredding of the corners of the new furniture? Cat repellant not a good idea...
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In Mel Gibsons passion of Christ. Jesus is talking to someone about "the helper who is to come " after him... that really intrigued me - so got to ask what is that about? Also is that a Gospel line,...
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29A: Extraordinary E?????I?N?Y 15D: Even cheaper than wholesale C?S???I?E probably: cash??i?e
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Order: N?M?A?D Thanks for any answer
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8A Occupations, interests: ???S?I?S Thanks for any answer
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Which are the best Guitar Trems Between the Ibanez (Like the Edge Pro) or Floyd Rose original? and why? Thanks for any answer.
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From what CD is the music in the Peugeot 308 SW Ad from? Has a heavy guitar arpeggio backed by drums and bass. Thanks in advance for any answer.
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What will glue pieces of concrete? I have the top/bath part of my Mums bird bath. Its made of concrete and has three pieces from one side broken off (by the ladder of a windowcleaner not looking where...
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Whats the best glue for clear sheets of PVC? This is for the PVC cover on a 4 tier mini greenhouse. I am turning one into a cloch and some mods being made. A contact adhesive seemed like a good idea...
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10A: Outbursts T?R?P?S (Maybe I have 5d wrong as acts?) Thanks for any answer.
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7D: Yield to an inclination: I?D?L?E I did have IMPULSE for that but the D in TIRADES for 10A knocked out the P Thanks for any answer

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