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?e?s?n?e? Clue. Is such correspondence from the server could be down for deletion as ever any help please
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Having prob responding to answers so repost tanx danny k 13 alldone.
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One left please. ? e?s?d. Ensured one had a nap standing...
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Thought I was finished but one final eludes me still please.6 letters ???n?r the only clue I have refers to an answer for a previou which was ( they have letters to show how well read they are .that...
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2 left I hope please. 4 letters a?o? Plant possessing a leafy old extract and. Finally 6 letters (???n?r ). The clue for the latter refers to a previos answer literati Any ideas please.
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They have letters to show the are well read. ???e???? Also. ???? Dosent it smell to high heaven. Any help please?
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2 left please 27ac 5 letters ? h ? ? ? a stage may intimidate we hear 28 down 6 letters ? ? o ?h ? is that some blast or my tempestuous nature Any assistance welcome please ....
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perhaps one could get assistance please in identifying the title of a recent published book concerning the royal theatre Dublin which closed in the sixties .any help appreciated...
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One left please a sanguinary show of moral fibre...
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one left please they come with pieces to make pc work...
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one left please quizzers . 4 letters t ? c ? give me half a second for the first half...
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3 LEFT PLEASE ??t?h?r take hold of cockney woman fielder p?i ?s ?a ??? careful worker one accepting trouble to begin with and finally ?c ? o ?? imitating the sounds it represents from choice....
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2 left for solving please yes pleases the eyes we hear in the house of lords (8) ? o ? t ? n ? s and next This one also goes down to work but which one works for starters dunderhead (5 ) ? i ? e ?...
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3 left please ? ? ? n ? or 50 50 if one gets rid of the bumps ? t ? r ? look at what the wise men saw and where and finally ? r ? ? ? _news ( 2 words ) report of calamity revealed in seance...
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8 down changes modifications 11 letters. R?t???tions any suggestions please...
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One left please 3words. ?u?n -?t-?n. To start would u press the button not I...
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3 for solving please . a black like a white one is also seen by night ? ? O ? once written in stone now gone e ?a ? e ? and finally ??v ??? o ? 8 letters and all the way back for a different version...
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clues re devon ? a ? s ? o ? ( fishing port ? ) and b ? d ? n ( moor ) Tanx in advance...
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3 words 3 / 3 / 4 observe endless meteors fall chaotically til kingdom come . sorry ( network failed during previous submission ? )...
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one left please m ? r ? word of mouth or apocryphal who claims its gospel

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