2 more please (9). ?I???n?r? Island in the sun with dollar power too if you've got the capital that'll do and. ??d?despicable dogs of war and want so they were:. Tanx in anticipation .
Please. Bear with me my tablet acing up so final effort to request help for 8 down ?o?n?e?? Most pleasing to the eye aye says Scotty of the apple of his eye...
One left please 6 d. 8 letters ?o?n?e?t most pleasing to the eye aye says Scotty of the apple of his eye .And apologies I may have lost previous thread so tanx for your help.
2 words 5)5)white/?I?y? This is a good one for kids having no black hat or cat to be seen at hall owen? And an anti climax to the freworks 4)5) ???p / ?s?I? Please help,...
14down o sandy enough so it is a?e?a 2d (4)(2) foundation is necessary to a new actors character ?a?e__?p and finally 2 words ?a?a---?I?I where a kiwi diva might live in spain.Please assist?
badly stuck need a help to progress.(1) to make matters worse here's how it will go down ???I?p???e. (16d)f?c??????? Worker has balance statement overhead for this one to balance.
3 left please how to raise your spirits with or without them (4)(1)(5) ?a?e _a_tonic \ Beneath cliffs so steep it piles up deep (?c?e?)and final one american came out to reveal it's no friend of US....