From a couple of years ago, I rented this film about a spacecraft in the future. Something happened on board, and i think that somehow the computer on the ship (which i think had a female voice),...
Does anyone know where I can buy or download the Press Gang tv series? I believe only one series was ever released but would love to find this or other series.
Which of the popular, young person's lively holiday resorts (think 18-30 crowd) is the best out of season? I'm a lively young person but have been busy all Summer so am wanting to go to one of these...
A colour is simply a wavelength of light that reacts with a certain group of cells in the eye when it hits them to send a signal to the brain to tell you what you are seeing. From birth we learn that...
The great psychologist C.G. Jung certainly thought so, and I agree with him. The dark recesses of the mind hold many keys. The unconscious, and particularly the COLLECTIVE unconscious, is where demons...
Some people think think zoos are cruel, and I understand. I hate to see a tiger locked up in a tiny cage. But, as long as the animals have plenty of free range and they are well looked after, that's...