Yes, our beloved eldest son is home and keeping us on our toes. He decided to make himself a snack (he's usually a stranger to the kitchen) and made the mistake of turning the hob on low, sniffing it...
Everytime i switch on my pc, it tells me that internal battery voltage is low. CAn this battery be charged or will it have to be replaced. The PC is dell and about 3 years old.
... what do you ladies think to your men accessing porn sites on the internet? I'm not talking anything hard-core here; nothing to do with bestiality, children or anything 'out-of-the-ordinary' - just...
im 15 years old 5'5 im 89/90 pounds what should i weigh and this is ridicoulous i lost 17 pounds through puberty instead of gaining 17 which shuld od happend... especially cause ima boy
**** you all my life sucks i hate u with the bigggest passion... actually i hate me **** me **** me **** me here comes another ******* wasted zombie day of **** cnt even eat right
Back by popular demand, Aunty Agness is here to discuss your dilemmas and answers your distress calls. Do you have a problem and need urgent advice? Once again, please address all your queries,...
I don't normally say it behind their back. But sometimes I really get the urge to. Like my colleague is getting really annoyed dealing with someone on the phone, my bossess husband in fact and I...
my nose feels like it has two button, one about a finger width (small finger) above each nostril. until the otherday i didn't realise that this was unusual. my dad who is getting on abit has the same...
that you have done , which makes you blush ,or squirm years after the event.? For me, years ago at a rock concert in London, I whipped off my T shirt and climbed bare breasted on to the shoulders of a...
I was wondering if people could answer this question on the recent series of adverts for Cadburys Dairy Milk. The series of adverts include, gorilla drumming, cars racing and dancing eyebrows. Do you...
Brian Dennehey /153743838_m.jpg Anyone else think there was something really sexy about him? Dont know why he just 'popped' into my head <:-)
He said: "Jade Goody has her own place in the history of television and, while it's significant, it's nothing to be proud of. Her death is as sad as the death of any young person, but it's not the...
did the teacher ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up, i said a ballet dancer and ended up being a nurse . son said disc jockey and is now a science technician,what about you?