please share these amazing pictures with me - I'm truly a fan of hers! & the babes look wonderful! 1-A384KJXVVDRTP5._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg...
3 wins out of 4... top of the Constructors and Driver's Championship... and still no new sponsors? Pull your finger out Branson and get your wallet out! Will today be the last win for BrawnGP?
Having outbid me on Ebay, Faruq Abdul took delivery of Nan's teeth, and he and his camel, Habib Gamali, were said to be delighted with the new choppers. Sadly, an as-yet-unspecified strain of Ruminant...
me amd my boyfriend dont know what to do tonight. we usually go out for a meal every sat night but fancy doing something different tonight. we dont feel like a night out and have been to the cinema...
Im a 21 year old lass who recently joined AB & I love it! :) Thanks soo much to all the nice people but one latest thread had a woman (Haysi06) being a complete nasty beep!!! WHY????? What is the...
A good for nothing lazy scumbag? He lives near us and went on the sick 5 years ago with a bad back and depression. Last year he told my son (with a smirk on his face) "Why should I work when I can get...
as a 22 year old, ive never used my cheque book for paying for stuff except when posting them i really need to get some groceries tomorrow, but dont have enough money in my account until tuesday when...
My son had his ipod (classic I think) stolen and I'd like to buy him a new one for his birthday. He's 23 and heavily into the music industry. Any advice as to the latest ipod I could buy without being...
My question really is split between Religion & Relationships. My boyfriends parents are Jehovahs Witnesses, and he says that he needs to find the right time to tell them about me. We have been...
Hi all :o) I'm off out tomorrow night with the girls from work and we are going to an indian restaurant. I'm on a diet so what do you think would be the best meal to have? (Would do the least damage...