why in Everyman 3125 - note the unusual force (6) can only seem to be "teeth" - note = te, unusual being anag. of the - leaving me with teeth as the definition of "force" - don't get it!!
Stuck in one corner, perhaps if you are able to help with the following I will be able to move on. 25a Current detectives back in control show up (8). I have -i-i-e-e but think at least one of these...
is it possible to ring home phone from mobile to check any messages left?? dont know wether to contact mobile co or bt to find out how to do it - thanx in advance
Last two to get - many thanks in advance. 17a. Small roundish boat constructed of wickerwork and made watertight (7). C_R_C_E 20d. Linguistic usage that is grammatical to native speakers of a language...
DTcryptic - nearly there! Criminal trickster - new leader (8) R--E-V-R I know i'll kick myself when you kind folk sort me out - but then am still learning. Thanks in anticipation of your help