hi everyone i am planning a 'credit crunch' camping break with my sons and would love to know some cheap cheap games i could take (limited space) or some games i could make - indoor and outdoor. any...
I am mum of 2 and i want to get my 16month old daughter out interacting with other toddlers her age as she is very shy around other kids and cautious of new people. I was very much the same as her...
being a pain this morning but please help 1. what links the english towns of Barton and Hessle 2. what links Leslie Law, John osbourne and Sean kerly Thank you in advance
Hi. I've bought some meatballs (just rolled up mince which I could have done myself but felt lazy!) and was thinking of cooking them in the oven with some sort of (tomato?) sauce. Does anyone have a...
have posted before but under a different section (doh) can anyone help - am losing sleep!!!!!!!! 1. 4 IIM 2. 102 SINESB 3. 29 SOAH 4. 6 ZIAM 5. 21 SOAD THANKS IN ADVANCE
i am stuck on my last few - can anyone help?????????? 1. milk made north of the border 2. mixed ice churn 3.sweet grain 4.rhymes with Ice churns 5.in the happy world of 6.two good 7.shaped like a...
i never seem to have time to read books these days, but i have recently bought a second hand copy of stories from the old radio show "The man in black" I'm enjoying it because they are such short,...
does anyone know any good online learning sites that i can use with my daughter. she is 5 and although very smart she sometimes lacks concentration and im tryint to find fun ways to make her remember...
i have just bought an american knitting pattern book and cannot find info regarding converting us knitting needle sizes to uk sizes - can anyone help please??????
Just on a toastie revival at the moment my favourite is cheese with sweet onion pickle,anyone got some tasty suggestions, maybe a tad out of the ordinary!!
Have managed most of the answers, stuck on these. 66 B of the B: 13 S in the USF: 15 P in a RP: 11 P in a F (S) T: 13 = USF: 8 T on an O: 9 L of a C: 64 S on a C B: 9 P in a S A: 15 M on a D M C: Any...
I am at my wits end with my 8 year old daughter. She makes everyone's life a misery. Nothing is ever right, she'll argue black is white, the word no means nothing to her and she is viscious (she's put...
think i'm being a bit thick here but can any help???????? 1. SOS. 2. Me IT 3. BRIDGE HIJKLMO 4. QUACK QUACK CLUCK CLUCK 5. ci ii 6. MarriAGe thanks a million
hi fellow quizzers i am in the middle of putting together a quiz to raise money for the deaf children i work with. i'm looking for film titles/celebs/film stars/places/song titles/ singers etc etc etc...