She threw up a rather large furball last night and ever since then she brings up everyting she eats. I called the emergency vet and they advised to not feed her until this evening. They also advised...
following on from my question last night which ab'er could be classed as a dominatrix? this is a purely an educational question my tutor says i'm coming on leaps and bounds for a mature student tia
I have but, would never do that at a small corner shop. I get a kick at of weighing in loose fruit & vegetables at the self checkout at supermarkets. Example....... by selecting potatoes (heaviest) on...
Just because of all the hurt in the world and the apparent pointlessness of it all when you think about it. Without going too far, let's just mention for example all of the people who can't eat...
I have just put 40p in a roadside BT phone box to call home. It rang 6 times, then the rercorded voice announced the caller is not available, & to call back later. I put the phone down expectiong my...
im sick of having all my user names deleted aka gravitate. so i am going to make as many user names as i can and just swear all the time during the day on ab. i mean it is annoying and if i have a...
i have tried combing regularly with conditioner using every lotion and potion avaliable in the shops but my daughter keeps getting the little ******* help i need a really good remidy
assuming you're part of a couple, which side of the bed do you sleep on? I'm asking as on Big Brother the male of a couple got into bed on the left side and Mr Boo said "which bloke sleeps on the...