Hi, just wondering if anyone has any unusual or unique ideas for a first wedding anniversary gift for my brother and sis-in-law's first wedding anniversary next year? i know paper represents the first...
I need to fix a bolt to my bathroom door (there never has been one, but as my family are coming to me for Christmas, I thought I should spare their blushes and put one in). However, I am a COMPLETE...
I can't stand the things but my dear mother likes them especially with a load of garlic butter on. Does anyone else do theirs like this? Any other suggestions? Cheers
I'm 21 and my boyfriend is 28 and he has a 7 year old son. His son is very rude, disrespectful and whiny to everyone. I try to just ignore it but it is starting to be real hard since we have been...
Without meaning to sound mercenary, my landlord is 83, lives alone, has no family. He lives above me and I pay rent to him cash in hand and he signs a little book. If he died, where would I stand...
Hi everyone, Just a quick question - this should probably go in parenting but it's related to body & soul too!! My nana died unexpectedly on Friday morning, which is awful and a shock, but my main...
If not, I thought I'd let anyone who is interested know about it. I think the majority of us are all guilty of taking stuff down the local tip which could be of use to other people & this site allows...
Having trouble finding correct version of past verb 'to treat'....is is eg I treated her like a Queen? I treat (pronounced 'tret') her like a Queen She was treated like a Queen She was 'treat' (tret)...
I am 6ft 1in. Does anyone know what would be the optimum height for a workbench for me to stand at to do carpentry etc? I ask because I suffer from a bad back and can't bend over for too long. Thanks.
Anybody have any good cures for hiccups? Ive tried all the usual ones like drinking water backwards, breathing into a paper bag, going BOO to myself, fingers in the ears and reciting alphabet...
Bought a DVD off some bloke on Ebay about 2 months ago. He was awful. Item arrived 2 weeks late, never returned my emails etc etc. Anyway, as the DVD was in mint condition and I at last got what I...