13 Across, People to be removed from potential slum dwelling in principle(5)
23 Across, Arrogance shown by Hungary's foremost film director,(7)
Many Thanks in Advance...
16 Across, Military man's exploit in charge,resulting in medical treatment,(7,8) ????R?? ?R?????? 14 Across, Study by doctor-it's one initially concerned about certain cells,(9) ??N?????? 14...
24 Across, 21 Giving false impression,(10) ????I????? 26 Across, Wake a sort of beetle, (10) ????H????? 17 Down, We'll encounter resistance in a place,so to speak, (2,2,4) ?S ?T Sorry about the lack...
3 Across, Pleased about relative being being steady,(10) ?O???S?E?? 15 Across, At length one's settled in exotic location,(11) ??????????T 5 Down,Outstanding form of protection for the gaffer,(10)...
14 Across, Speaking bluntly of hot mother dancing on board, (5,4,3,3) ????T ???M ?H? H?? 2 Down, Campaign vigorously to make pub standard around street,(9) ????S???M 10 Down, Player's lined up in...
1 Across, French author having tea with Japan's rule,oddly,(4-4,6) 27 Across, Drunken sot's greeting us,producing fine wine,(5,2,7) 1 Down, King combined cereal crops and alcohol, (4,10) Sorry about...
5 Across, High state of girl street urchins given a quarter,(8) G?M?N???
8 Down, One of 22 one might put into tea, (9) ????T?N??
Many Thanks in Advance...
11 Across, In DIY shelf falls apart,(10) I have "fiendishly"is that right?, Anagram of "in diy shelf". 14 Down, Reaction of Mr Amin holding soldiers up in Oxfordshire, (9)...
15 Across, Our man is back in the big top competition, (10) 7 Down, Lower ranking old copper followed how salesmen work in Tyneside,(3-10) Sorry about the lack of letters. Many Thanks in Advance...