An Irish man walks into a bar in Dublin, orders three pints of Guinness and sits in the back of the room, drinking a sip out of each one in turn. When he finishes them, he comes back to the bar and...
What would happen if you disposed of radioactive waste in an active volcano? Would the radioactive decay be increased by the extreme heat or would you simply end up with radioactive lava?
Was at work today and the song "Waiting for a star to fall" came on by "Boy Meet's Girl" after it blaring out and a load of us doing abit of air sax it got me thinking, how many other songs have a...
Boy george once said hed rather have a cup of tea than sex. So haev you ever been in this position before and feeling the same as george? Im assuming its straight sex and not homosexual and maybe even...
Anyone remmber " your moneys safe with the woolwich" ? Whod say that about a bank now? And of course halifax bank of scotland " just a little bit " ?? mmm they got more than a little bit of money from...
A businessman boarded a plane to find, sitting next to him, an elegant woman wearing the largest, most stunning diamond ring he had ever seen. He asked her about it. "This is the Klopman diamond," she...
i put the dog in the garden because he has been farting all day and the house was stinking,do you think i should let him in or just leave him,a little bit of rain did'nt hurt anyone,did it ????????
What ad campaigns or product launches have you seen or can remember as really standing out to you... Did they use a new technology to advertise the product to you? Was it a ground-breaking campaign?...
on your desk /table your computer is on,i have so much stuff,dvd-rom britannica 2009.2 wii hand on forensic science,kings of leon/because of the times dvd.peter kay's...
Can anyone tell me why I have felt ill ever since I gave up smoking 7 months ago? Has anyone else had the same experience? I thought I would feel a million dollars!!!!!!!!! I will never start again,...