Stuck with a few 30a Stickers for the traditional method of roasting s?????s 62a Now for Christmas ???s?????? 68d Cake goes with port g???? Appreciate any help. Thanks
8a Not having sense, you go in ?i?h??? 6d stay for a drink and a second drink ?????r? 11a like the parcel, say, one's so interested in r??? Last few , the easy one's are always the hardest :-)
Stuck on a few 1d Having been enlarged, did accommodate the former ?i?a?e? 4d Job to be safe and at home in ???e?u?e 13d one way to describe what a bachelor eats 6,4 s?n???f?r? Many thanks
Last 2 have me stumped 20d three in one- in composition three in england one in france t???n? 24a member following celsius scale c???b. Can it be celeb and why. Many thanks
Last 3 26a ace cook gets derisive cries in the gallery c???o?? 17d nowadays give present to book fan ?d?e???? 28a ready to have pet running group ???t?? Still stuck in this corner
If a complete madman = utter nutter what are A shot-at wild cat = an agitated long necked bird = a blow up doll available for a night out = an ugly couple = a bilbulous pachyderm = Many thanks
Very warm, the spanish inn (5) Make a fuss, as adam and eve had to (5,4) A single little drink will hardly guarantee a hot time (3 ,7) Sorry no letters to help. Any help much appreciated
A number of persons (11) Putting people in the wrong causes distress (7) What mother had when she was missed (6,4) Sorry no letters to help. Many thanks in anticipation