Internet Explorer links recently stopped opening in a new window when I want them to. I don't have any pop-up prevention software and I don't think any settings have changed; all I know is that...
How should you defrost prawns? I recently saw someone pour boiling water on them and let them sit in it for a while, then they put them in cold water. This seemed unsafe to me. Am I right to be...
Does a fridge or freezer require more power to keep the food cold when it is nearly empty or packed full? At first I thought it would be more efficient when empty because there is less mass to keep...
All my .gif extention files are using MS DOS to open so obviously I can't view any pictures. How do I change which programme a type of file uses to open and which programme should I use to get my gif...
On a similar theme to answerbok's 'Why is that', shown below, why dont users rate the answers to their questions? It is polite and shows an interest in the answer. It also encourages users to...
You can now reach the AB record Q. with this link; - when you get there add it to your Favorites. When...
P.S. also have trivia and polls facilities and categories similar to AB but more, and profiles and avatars and a diary and Friends area for chat and it's British. Good old...
After answering a series of questions involving simple arithmetic I am asked to name a colour and a tool. I answer 'red' and 'hammer'. Gee Wizz. This answer was predicted. Other examples exist, but...
Lots of tips etc give directions beginning with -go to start /run/type regedit...But I dont have 'run' on my start . Where is it on XP? Can I put it onto start?
Just saw an advert for a future TV series with this name, but I'm sure I've heard 'John Doe' mentioned many times before on films and things, so is there any special significance to the name, or is it...
Can I congratulate sft42 for not only creating an Answerbank record for the most responses to a question, but for also initiating perhaps the single best thread ever on Answerbank? Good on you!
How is it possible for reasonably inteligent person predicted A's and B's to completely fail an A level in Chemistry? ( When a reasonable amount of revision was done and the person didn't struggle...
I know it's their nature and all that but our year old female cat is single handedly trying to wipe out the local population of small birds here. We quite like the little fellas and wondered if anyone...