8A Source of room illumination ?P?I?H?E? 5D Pretence ???M 2OA Metal bar for keeping carpet in place 5,3 ?T??? ROD 23A Tall urban dwelling 4,5 ?O?? ?O?S? 14D Spend time in a leisurely manner 5,4 CHILL...
2D Overall amount 5,5 ???N? ????L
7A Periods of time ?O???
12A Part of the hand 6,6 ?I???E FINGER
15A Petty official bureaucracy 3,4 ?E? ??P?
7D Restored to good condition R?HAB?L????D 16D Letters or numbers identifying a radio station 4,4 C??? ??G? 19A Loquacious ????A??E 23A Beds or bunks in vessels or trains ?E???? 20D Likenesses ??A?E?...