What makes you dislike someone most on first impressions? We all look at people and after a short time of meeting them, we judge them - some we, often irrationally, decide we don't like - others we...
Why the big hoo-haa yesterday about the funeral of the Police officer shot in Bradford? Did this man not deserve the same treatment for an even more brave act in the same city?...
I know this sounds pretty lame, but i have been married for 12 years and whilst I worked my wife did all the housework (bit old fashioned), any way we have now seperated (she moved out today) and I...
I believe that parliment re sits on monday after the christmas holiday,am i the only one who just cant believe that instead of representing his constituents in westminster,he will be in a the big...
Does anyone have any views on the suitability of a KLIPPAN sofa for use in a conservatory/ family room? They seem to be extremely popular but the low price is making me ask. Many thanks.
I owe about ?20,000 on various credit cards etc... I have recently cut up all my credit cards and would like to pay this sum of within the next 3/4/5? years. I earn approx ?1,400 per...