In Todays GK crossword in the Mail the clue for 14d. was: ' Wars in which the novel and TV series Sharpe are set' (10) I initially put Peninsular but it appears, having completed other clues the...
There are a couple of films I'd like to see on the big screen that were on at the cinema last year. In the old days cinemas used to have special screenings of non up to the minute films. These days...
I hath one humble pigeon. I expect it to produce some dairy. Its been almost a month now. It seems to struggle to produce any. Could you kindly suggest a solution to this?
Do the exams or let the teacher grade you? I always preferred to do the actual exams because my teachers never thought I did enough revision and would have marked me down for being lazy. They were of... J D Salinger, a book somehow missed from my 'should do' list as a student and only recently read - and what an extraordinary little book it is. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone - it really...
There was some commotion over the weekend in the "Science" category regarding misinformation and fact checking. To cover any issues that may arise in the future, we have amended the site rules. We...
Boris’ General Election was cancelled on Tuesday. Why is he still touring the realm handing out dosh from the Magic Money tree? Yesterday he was in Yorkshire. It didn’t go well. A man asked him...
I will start, any artist, but just their best song! For me, i will have to pick Nas, Feat Lauryn Hill - If i ruled the world Can't think of any other Nas...
Afternoon all! We've been considering giving you the opportunity to remove adverts across the site with Google's new "contributor" option. This would mean that if you wanted to remove ads, and...
Boris Johnson has signed a £500,000 contract, to write a Biography on Shakespeare. So he is Mayor of London, A full time MP,if there is such a position? , writing a Biography , and also writes a...
I had some people down from London for a meeting this week. So I hire a meeting room at one of the hotels on the sea front, have them provide sandwiches and juices, etc. And what happens? "Oh, I'm...
How "useful" have turbines been in this stormy weather. When will reality kick in to the con that they are. Another example of wee ecks misjudgement.... He is now no longer Rangers...
How many questions per week is one able to ask in this section per week before one gets permanently excluded for abusing AnswerBank? I do hope the answer is around 12, then we'd all be put out of our...