Hi all, This is an update for The Friends Of Blessed Sacrament' places quiz. Some of the first quizzes sent out by post have 2 errors on them, firstly, question 37 should read 'A3123' and not 'A3213',...
Friends Of Blessed Sacrament School (Preston)(Charity No. XT26395). Our new long awaited quiz is now available. Places Quiz is a trip around England without leaving your armhair. There are 50 cryptic...
We wolud like all of The AnswerBank folllowers who entered our last qiuz. The winners wer Fiona Carson from Dumfries and David Balfour from Arbroath. Congatulations to you both. If you have sent a...
Friends Of Blessed Sacrament School (Preston)(Charity No. XT26395). Our new long awaited quiz is now available. Nursery Rhymes Quiz. 40 Initial letter clues all with an answer that is a childs nursery...
***NEW QUIZ AVAILABLE*** Friends Of Blessed Sacrament School (Preston)(Charity No. XT26395). Our new quiz is now available. Food and Drink Quiz. 100 cyptic clues all with an answer relating to food or...