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14a [13] not made good u------------ tink it.sanagram of elaboratemenu ? 9 d 14] not ableto be defined ---l---------- 24a [9] hugely 17a [3 1 7 2 ] value highly...
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13a [10] french city site of royal residence built for louis xiv -e-s-i---- 38acentral american county between honduras and guatemala --/-------- 29a [8] japanese movie monster featuring in a series...
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8d [6-3-5] source of a natural lubricant 13a [13] union of different groups ------a---s-- 3a [9] spoofing ----h---- 9a town on the river clyde [9]...
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27a town on the river nene ]11] 1a [7 4] hypothetical extinct animal 15a ]10] open to assault 3d [10] eyebrow raising 10d [6 6] adandy american musically...
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1a [6 7] battle weariness 8d [14] nonconformity 1d [8 6] it is spoken in quebec 267a [13] balderdash...
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10a [9 6] subordinate phrase u--------/------ 3d [7 8]tuneful celebratory greeting -------/-e-e---- 13a [9] of story with hidden meaning a-------- 14d cocktail with whisky and drambuie [5 4]...
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1d south african promontory [4 2 4 4] 8d[14] in a way producing superiority 23a [3 4 3] indeterminate person 11a [10] remote post...
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9d [8] chew the cud -u-i-a-e 2d [6] dark brown bitter beer...
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is 19d medulla ? 26a not susceptible to control [12] -------t-a-t 8a [3 4] where temperatures high hot ---t...
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14a [4] pen name used by all three bronte sisters -e-l
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1a brittle toffee [12] 15d [2 7] coming back in re/ e-t-e-- 26a [12] not susceptible to control 3d [9] not inherent ----i---c...
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26a band whose members included john cale and maureen tucker [6 11] 3d [11] clown from italian burlesque or puppet show 23d [11] chinese treatment also know as stylostistix 5d[9] actor in the films...
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16d react with water [9] 17d [8] performed as though spoken 11a lamb of god [4 4]27a [8] science of crop production...
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3d not curved [9] think it's anagram ofdudneuron /? 14d [9[ fancying 5a place in granada [8] a---m---? 15a [ aural device e-a-----...
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18a [] say what.s what 27a [9] unable to speak --i---e--...
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1a using the edge and tip of asword [3 3 6] --t/--- /t-r--- 6d perfect or ideal place [7 2] 10d drinking toast [3 2 4 3 ]m--/-- //o/r-/ -y- 1d hoard [5] --c-e 3d [4] often contrasted with gross THANK...
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11d french anthem [12] -a-s-i---i-e 20a made of two parts [4 3 4 h---/a-/d-a-f 6dlily likeplant [9] a-a-y-l-s any help please...
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8d [6 4] cornisharea where brown willy is to be found 5d[7 4] site of the final defeat of the sioux indians 21d [5 6 american sharpshooter born phoebe anne moses 35d [5]emirate on the arabian...
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13d mathematical model [10] 21d piebald hourse in us and canada 9a [4'3] fungal cause of lameness in sheep...
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23a [10 9] law of physics relating buoyancy to the weight of displaced fluid 26a [9]island south of cape cod massachusetts 1a african river separating south africa and zimbabwe [7] 7d [9]loudspeaker...

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