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stoat the ba

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why you have all choosen your particular user names
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when us ladys come on here talking about all our woman's problems . period etc what do you men think . do you feel sorry for what us ladys have to put up with . :(you men get it so easy
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doctor spock
any stimulous to keep me up? so to speak
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How do you eat yours? :))))) xxxxxxxxxx
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stoat the ba
what makes your cherry pop?
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Roughquest are in a relationship with a guy? Do you ask if you are or does it just happen.....
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stoat the ba
ladies ive been watchin marbella belles with my mrs. in it a big blonde woman was talkin about getting a man. she told her friends "if you cant get one of your own then steal someone elses". the mrs...
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Who is your ideal woman or man? If I chose someone famous, it would have to be Frank Lampard. Although I wouldn't mind someone with blond surf hair. Yeesh.
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ok this is a question and a half didnt really know what catergory to put it in but oh well this will do...if you could change one about the world what it be?
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stoat the ba
Have you ever trusted someone totally, only for everything that trust was built on to be a total lie?
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stoat the ba
have you heard about the irishman who wanted a sex change? he jumped off the roof and laded with a fud. ha ha ha
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stoat the ba
and don't say there is no such thing as you feel happy about it.
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would you most like to sit in a soup ladle with, while playing marbles with, while singing along to the proclaimers first album, while wearing a magnolia cat suit and eating a cheese and beetroot...
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I am having terrible trouble with particularly Jehovah's Witnesses coming to my door...I had two different pairs on Friday and another 2 this morning. A big group of them go round my estate at least...
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there was truth in the saying "it makes you go blind", would you never do it again?
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do you have a favourite? or do you use any random spoon?
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In the event of hostilities breaking out on this site tonight even though an actual State of War will not be declared, I have for hire, at reasonable rates, numerous items which I have salvaged from...
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The other day I bought 3 cashmere/silk suits, 3 wollen coats, 6 shirts and 7 ties, all tailor made and still had change out of 250 quid, its great here!! I hope you are all well and behaving...

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