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24a Post Office worker penning book - one for the popular market ?(9) --T-O----. 22a. Poet splashed in water revealing parts of feet (4-3) --E-/---. Cheers, Danny...
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17a "Make sure to attend that place" line set to new standard ? (4,3,6) --A-/---/-E----. 4d Subdue inventor's alarm for rural use ? (7) C-----L. 12a European newspaper one pulled out of the...
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22a Queen in clowder provides what's needed (6) No letters sorry. Clowder = group of cats ?? Queen = ER Answer litter ???
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16a 23 from 50 lost to comparitive trial (6,4) ---B-E/-I-D. Answer to 23 is spot.14a 23 Chapter dispensed with the verbal abuse (5,5) C-E-T/-----. Many thanks, Danny...
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2d Haunt dark wood ? (9) N-G-----. 24a Irish girl into fighting causes annoyance (10) --R-------. 14d 2012 leader has zero effective authority as religious communist (9) sorry no letters. many thanks,...
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1D Baileys perhaps added to a sherry periodically - a powerful shot (8) -C---M--. 27a Phoned aunt abroad, surrounded by Jack and SE Asian residents. (10) ---N-----S. Many thanks, Danny...
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13. Motorists' club, about 6, taking not of birds (5) Where 6 is scan. Sorry no letters. Many thanks, Danny...
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6a Examine John's toe first (4) Sorry no letters. 23a Activity of bridge players finally rumbled by inspector in Crosby (7) sorry again no letters. Many thanks, Danny...
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14d Money, I'll argue, is distributed willy-nilly (6,3) M-L---/L-I Many thanks, Danny...
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8d Organise troupe on tour, doing more than required (14) -u-e-e-----i--. Superessential ?? 6d Primarily unreliable 'comrade' I fancy (3,2,4) A-I/--/-O-R. Ami du jour ?? 18d Point in New York supplied...
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11a One beset by present setbacks loses heart, but she'll succeed (7) H-I---S. Haikais ??? 12d Increase in turovers recent ? Above all its supply and demand (9) ----U----. Affluence ??? 6d Arvo ? It's...
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21a Several people will be sent this description of second-in-command (8,6) -------R/------. Sorry for the lack of letters. 23a Rising alarm ? (10) Many thanks, Danny...
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7d Old school records - and money - 'lost' (9,6) --------Y/------. Many thanks, Danny....
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14d Given time to register old US politician (10) no letters sorry. Many Thanks Danny...
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10a Club maybe gets to note cheat in game (4-5) sorry no letters. 9d Emblem to get left winger troubled (8) -----R-D. Many thanks, Danny....
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22a Very drunk from rum during endless fling (6) --D-E-. 22d Hilarious type in Sunday best (6) --R-A-. Many thanks, Danny....
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16d One quite drunk in palatial local (8) --G-O---. 1d Early source of diamonds in India, a study in wealth at first (8) -O-C-N--. Volcanic ?? Many thanks, Danny...
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7a. Solitary stick of gum on a sticker (8) -------C. 20a Infatuated girl's wild about Mika's last song (8) ---R----. 18d Man gathering plates and small remains of drink (8) H-------. Many thanks,...
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13d Perfumed lotion - of course with sting (10) ------H---. 11a Bird found in N American state, a brilliant one (10) ----R-C-E-. Many thanks, Danny...
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BLU E. Issue issue issue issue issue. Issue issue issue issue issue. ....

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