answers rhyme 2a Address forcefully (8) 2b Make a noisy exit (2,3,4,1,4) 12b Could present a knotty problem in the garden (6,4) think it rhymes wiyh Satine Phrases with vowels missing 18 HR SS FRCR...
Answers are as near as possible how they sound. 1. Take away evade intentionally Starts with A 11. Arrive u louse egg fifth tall post eeees ( 2 words) first word starts ith letter C 35. Public... ...
32. Star sounds like a swivel wheel (6) 44. Sign of perfection (5) 49. Heavenly body reigns god like (7) 58. Sign throws a curved string (7) 59. Sea going sphere (7)
words make up an answer of plant/creature when read together 2. Throw(3) Mix(4) 13. Throw (3) Insect (3) Shakespearian King (4) 14. Strech across(4) Joint(4) Shout (4)