16 To fabricate. (6) 59 Save. (6) 114 Needed for aquatic harvesting! (8) 23 Detain someone against their will (10) 48 Crustacean aware of Health & Safety (10) 69 Unwillingly but bravely received... ...
The answers all begin with "S" although several are prefixed with "the" or "a" The clues are a mixture of cryptic, anagrams and puns 12 Not a clear-sighted move (6,4,4,2,10] 34 It's a match! (4,8) 98... ...
59. Rent eastern test from twisted casinos 7,6 This clue has been discussed on here a couple of times previously but I am still struggling to solve it.. I believe that the first part leads to... ...
According to the setter. "All the answers are things you’d find in tins/cans (some of them bizarre!) – and you’ll need to ‘think outside the can’ (as well as inside) for some of these". They may... ...
Every answer contains a creature or creatures , though the spelling may not be the same. I'm sorry I've found another one. I thought I'd finished after your help yesterday. I'm assuming this is... ...
Every answer contains a creature or creatures , though the spelling may not be the same. 100. These once stored poisons, (4,7) and combined, take flight (11) Any help would be greatly appreciated as... ...
The answers are all towns, villages or hamlets in the historic counties of Berwickshire, Peebleshire, Roxburghshire and Selkirkshire. 58 This glen was a heavyweight (9) When this question was asked... ...
Can anyone please help me with no 17? It has the word HAWTHORNE written across the top with AWARD starting downwards from the first A, HERE down from the second H and NOW from the N. A bit like... ...
This quiz is described as “The clues are mainly puns but a few cryptic clues may have crept in”. There is no theme as such. I am totally stuck on these last ones and would appreciate any help... ...
Can anyone help with CLUES ONLY for the following please? 30. Bird on it's own (8) 31. Shepherd (3,8) The answers are all Westerns. Films or TV series.
I’m struggling with this one so I’m hoping for some inspiration please. All the answers are names of TV programmes. Punctuation marks appear to count as a letter! 25. Made of bricks (3,4) 29....
The answers all relate to sport in some way and are a mixture of cryptic, anagrams and puns. 35. At heart, it helps others to break records (9) 78. Flying under an extra layer with plenty of teeth (9)...
This one has been a real stinker for me this time but I have answers (!) for all but no 14d Second leader of Allied Forces (7) ? O ? E ? F ? Anyone have any ideas or have I got a letter wrong here?...
All the answers relate to love and relationships etc Any help would be appreciated. 1. Drama about a European philanderer? 2. What’s yellow and fighting we hear? 7.6 I know that Mally has...
All the answers include the words “time”, “day”, “hour”,”minute” or “second” Can anyone please help me with the following clues? 22. Best way to video a snail race 4-5, 11. (Slow-speed ?) 60. Sachs...
The clues all relate to transport and travel in some form or other. 1. “Do as I say, or hit the road!” 2, 3, 2, 3, 7 2. Rural Transport 3,7,7 3. Skylights. 3, 7, 7 4. Left to your own devices! 7, 4 5....