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A while ago, I posted my first question about clone reproduction. The question went something like this:   'If I clone myself twice, one being male, the other female, would the offspring be a copy... ...
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I recently discovered something that is going around Youtube at the moment. This person named Alexey Gerasimov under the youtube alias 'Dafuq!?Boom!' has been creating this series called 'Skibidi... ...
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I was just wondering if it is illegal to blackmail a criminal?   My thought was that if I found a predator, and pretended to be a victim for them, collect evidence to get them imprisoned, and... ...
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Mine ties between Italian mix, and classic salt.
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Well, it has been a while!   I took a little break from social media in general, and in the last week or so that I have been present on social media, I haven't come to AB all that often. I believe... ...
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What are your personal coping methods for stressful times/things that affect you?   I am really running out of ideas, and I would like some help.   For some scale, I spend hours lying awake each night... ...
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(I don't know if this is the right category, but if not then AB needs to add a 'social media' category or something.) Can someone please tell me a way to view deleted pins on Pinterest so that I... ...
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I have been sitting on this all night, and want a second opinion on whether or not this is victim blaming?
So I ride my bike to my obligations each day, and this day I was a little later then when... ...
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I am warning you now, this is going to be a long one, with many thoughts and feelings. There is also, for the sake of some poor guy, no question here. Just a confession of what I want. So if you... ...
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How are you doing?   Just feel like asking someone, because I don't have anyone around me at the moment, and I am trying to work on myself in light of recent events.
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(Just a quick edit from the future, I realise I kind of went on a bit of a rand, but this was how I truly felt at the time, and I wanted to keep authenticity.)   Ever since douglass9401 made that... ...
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Here is a new revelation to add to my collection. I want nothing more from people, than their true and honest opinion of me, and things I ask them about.   I want to know what people think of me.... ...
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Honestly, this website has sort of taught me something. People do like helping. People aren't all trying to screw you over. People don't want you to suffer.   From this realisation, I will hopefully... ...
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I didn't realise the common theme between all my problems was so simple.   This might be sort of a less answerable question, but do other people have this same realisation?   I do a bit of conversing... ...
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I am very bored, so I have formed a question that I can't find an answer to on Google.   Is mango soup a dinner item or a dessert?   I have seen recipies for both, but I want to know what the intended... ...
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Just doing some alone time thinking, and thought, 'How many people use this site in the UK?'. So here I am.   Personally I don't live in the UK, but I don't know if there is some hidden rule that I... ...
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Do problems of the past feel worse at the time?   I was looking back through my old posts, and something stuck out to me. They were all mostly about small problems that seemed big at the time.... ...
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Here is something that may or may not shock someone reading;   This site, AnswerBank, has started to become sort of a safe place of mine. No matter how stupid my question might seem, I somehow... ...
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Couple things I have been thinking about. Doubt anyone really cares, but this place has inadvertently helped me through some darker times in my life. Something I realised about 2 or so weeks ago is... ...
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Something I recently learned about myself is that I get ecstatic when I withhold information.   For example, me and my mother were talking, and she brought up secrets. I eluded to a secret I didn't... ...

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