Please can anyone suggest an answer for this clue to a food item:- food for the aristocracy (8) Another question referring to food or drink is :- What would you hang on a runnel tree? The only ref I...
Can anyone suggest answer for this clue please :-
Fashionable shopping street in 'Lenin's old town' (wherever that is supposed to be!
Many thanks Sue...
Can anyone assist please with this - answer ios related to farming- Jerseys are famous (8) Also related to sports and games - An oriental unknown follows a drink (number in answer not known) Many...
Can anyone assist with these please:- By proxy in river. Corrupts pert novice. One the French alternate. Leave five out. Backpack holds directions. Turn my bird around. Twice to church to note...
I am trying to answer 'He wrote Messiah' (5,8) to include a birds name. George Frederick Handel does not provide the right answer. Any help appreciated
Thanks Sue...
Can anyone assist please with the title of Haydn's string quartet No 67. The answer must contain the name of a bird and is two words 4 and 7 letters
Many thanks Sue...
Apologies I forgot to put in number of letters in answers Still need if anyone can assist please. They are cities and towns around the world either real or in fiction or song. Nothing back for Thomas...
Still need if anyone can assist please. They are cities and towns around the world either real or in fiction or song. Nothing back for Thomas here! Neolithic family's mainstay. Up and away. Interfere....
Can anyone assist please? - I'm really stumped! These are towns and cities around the world including some in fiction and song. Transport. dummy! (7) Naked Lady? (6) Irritate, according to Miss...
Please can anyone assist with these quiz questions - answer has some connection with wheels. Clue is - Two words Wystan's version of Major's spinster cyclist. Answer is two words initial letters M G....
Can anyone please assist with the following baddies - 58, The aliens captured the sixth earthling to form the group (3,10) 61, .... but this one turned up in a suit! (5) 65, Have a dance around and...
Answers are as near as possible to how they sound - 4, Upright facing the angle. 16, Old you endless slender wooden stem. 20, Exploit for personal use. 29, Small parts of. 37, Our tongue - once a size...
I am trying to find films which have a word or words linked to Halloween or Horror in the title plus their star eg W with T A = Warlock with Henry Fonda A A D with T H H T (S O T W) with T A T M R...