Having problems with this site today, have asked question 3 times but will not accept, try again! 43 across, Shakespeare word for sweet wine of Portugal. Many thanks.
17a an aircraft that lands on and takes off from water a?a?l?n?. 25a easily percieved by senses or the mind; obvious, p??p?b?e. 30a a continental european stock exchange, especialy in paris b??r?e....
to day i got tha mail dvd treasure hunt but on the fist question about shakespeare it said what is another name for the scotish play i put macbeth but it daid i was wrong then i ask for a clue actors...
two thirds and need push please 3dnew ball ready for use julia had to face 6,4 C?E?R?/???? 16d jumble:it's cheap to throw out 8 18d take chap along in luxury car 7ends in n t25a they're appealed to...
I have a riddle I have come across on a back of a matchbox but the answer is driving me nuts can you help? The riddle is as follows: Betty and Lucy were touring the West Country on holiday. Lucy was...
can anyone help withthese questions ? (1) addicts without tea are airborne (6 3) peddle a short female parent )4 4 ) these are both insects (3) peter pans sweetheart striped? this one is a flower many...
Will probably set me head afire and beat out flames with a hammer when someone lets me into the following secrets! 19a tropical plant called four o' clock plant 49a emergency bag used by hikers to...
1) Michael Trenchard mayor of which fictional town ? 2) First Englishman to develop a working Jet Aircraft engine. ? 3) Which great English lady was named afer the Italian town where she was born. ?
I have filled in every square in the Sudoku, but have an error. I put the Sudoku onto Excel then did AutoSum sideways and up and down. All horizontal columns read the correct total, but two up and...
61. What old fashioned word means the way someone is dressed, usually in grand or formal clothing, is also the name of a sweet tasting tropical and sub tropical fruit.